Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Globalised Capitalism or The Kingdom of Heaven - by Tuesday! If it's not good for everyone, then it's not good for anyone.

Of course, we know this:

Hence the plan for peace = the Kingdom of Heaven = The plan for Co-operative Socialism.

By Tuesday!

ps Of course, as the film says, the Globalised Capitalist Government kills its opponents (eg Jesus) and, so, should there be more 'assassinations' (even 'death by heart attack' (like John Smith?) you'll all know the truth of the foregoing.

Am I fearful?

Of course.

But should we stop acting for the wellness of all?

Of course not.

Because it's the wellness *of all* that the plan for Co-operative Socialism is all about - the wellness of the '1%' (ie the 2%) and 'their' Praetorian Guard (the 10%) along with us, the 88%: the whole planet included.

If it's not good for everyone, then it's not good for anyone.

Hope this helps!


The Kingdom of Heaven - by Tuesday!

A collection of published papers:

Hope they help!

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